I am using iReport 0.5.3 with JasperReports 1.1.1. I have defined a style in my report using iReport and applied it to some text fields (let's call this style 'col_header'). When I run the report from my java program, it works well and also shows the text fields with the applied style. Now, is there a way, where I can get col_header style from report during run-time and modify some of it's properties. I have tried the following way, but this did not work. It still shows the text fields with earlier style. Basically I want to externalize the style for my reports(similar to css in HTML). Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

//Code Snippet

JasperPrint jasperPrint = jasperPrint(dataSource, reportParameters, templateLocation);

JRStyle style = jasperPrint.removeStyle("col_header");

//Altering few properties in style
style.setForecolor(new Color(50,50,50));

//Adding the modified style to the report

JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, "/sample.pdf");                 


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