We've started using JasperReports a few days ago and have been very
pleased at the product and our progress. However, I am currently
struggling to provide a "Print Preview" of the report before the user
"confirms" and actually prints.

Currently I'm building a report "Request for Quotiation". The user
gathers some information in a Wizard, and has options such as Preview
and Print before it finishes.

The problem is that the Wizard is a "modal dialog", so when we start
the Report Viewer (a JFrame) - it does become visible, but we can't
control it because all "focus" remains on the wizard.  When we close
the Wizard we can use the viewer to inspect the new document - however
that is not very useful.  I've considered creating HTML and displaying
that in a browser, but I would prefer the native viewer to provide a
more accurate representation of a printout.

Are there any other options for providing a "print preview" from a
modal dialog??
I thought about stealing the JPanel from the ReportViewer, and
displaying that in a dialog - but that seems too extreme.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Many thanks,

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