Hi guys,
I wrote a new report and now when I try to run it, it seem to encounter a deadlock
near the end of the filling process. This is for jasper 1.2.2. Anyone have ideas (or
I've included the stack trace of the two threads, and it's the same deadlock each time :P
Thread [http-80-Processor3] (Suspended)
 Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
 JRVerticalFiller(Object).wait() line: 474 [local variables unavailable]
 JRThreadSubreportRunner.waitResult() line: 82
 JRThreadSubreportRunner.resume() line: 74
 JRFillSubreport.prepare(int, boolean) line: 540
 JRFillBand(JRFillElementContainer).prepareElements(int, boolean) line: 343
 JRFillBand.fill(int, boolean) line: 311
 JRFillBand.fill(int) line: 275
 JRVerticalFiller.fillColumnBand(JRFillBand, byte) line: 1307
 JRVerticalFiller.fillDetail() line: 631
 JRVerticalFiller.fillReportStart() line: 228
 JRVerticalFiller.fillReport() line: 128
 JRVerticalFiller(JRBaseFiller).fill(Map) line: 750
 JRVerticalFiller(JRBaseFiller).fill(Map, JRDataSource) line: 666
 JRFiller.fillReport(JasperReport, Map, JRDataSource) line: 89
 ... ...
 my code here ...
 ... ...

Thread [SummaryCharts subreport filler] (Suspended)
 Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
 JRVerticalFiller(Object).wait() line: 474 [local variables unavailable]
 JRThreadSubreportRunner.suspend() line: 127
 JRVerticalFiller(JRBaseFiller).suspendSubreportRunner() line: 1551
 JRVerticalFiller.addPage(boolean) line: 1128
 JRVerticalFiller.fillPageBreak(boolean, byte, byte, boolean) line: 1203
 JRVerticalFiller.fillColumnBreak(byte, byte) line: 1228
 JRVerticalFiller.fillDetail() line: 613
 JRVerticalFiller.fillReportStart() line: 228
 JRVerticalFiller.fillReport() line: 128
 JRVerticalFiller(JRBaseFiller).fill(Map) line: 750
 JRVerticalFiller(JRBaseFiller).fill(Map, JRDataSource) line: 666
 JRFillSubreport.fillSubreport() line: 483
 JRThreadSubreportRunner(JRSubreportRunnable).run() line: 63
 JRThreadSubreportRunner.run() line: 137
 Thread.run() line: 595

James Vaudry 
Software Developer 
Apparent Networks, Inc.
The Hudson House
Suite 400 - 321 Water Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 1B8

t: 604 433 2333 Ext. 136
f: 604 433 2311

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