Short version: PDF export is stripping trailing whitespace from all text 
fields, and this is a problem.  For one thing, the resulting PDF no 
longer matches the Swing jasper viewer.
Long version:
I have a report in which I'm attempting to line up money amounts.  The 
requirement is that the digits must be right justified and must line up 
for both negative and positive amounts.  Negative amounts show in 
parenthesis.   For example:


(note, the above must be viewed in a fixed font to appear correctly).
To accomplish this I use a fixed font with right justification.  I then 
place empty spaces around positive dollar amounts: " 45,345.32 " so that 
they align with negative amounts, which are surrounded by parenthesis.  
This works fine when using the Swing Jasper viewer, but the exported PDF 
strips all trailing whitespace from text fields so that the numbers no 
longer align.  Is there a way I can preserve these trailing whitespace 
characters in the .pdf?


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