Test multiple levels of nesting and exception handler range splitting.

Signed-off-by: Tomek Grabiec <tgrab...@gmail.com>
 regression/jvm/SubroutineTest.j |   92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/regression/jvm/SubroutineTest.j b/regression/jvm/SubroutineTest.j
index a44576f..a438831 100644
--- a/regression/jvm/SubroutineTest.j
+++ b/regression/jvm/SubroutineTest.j
@@ -31,8 +31,100 @@ subroutine:
     ret_w 1
 .end method
+; This test checks correct exception handler range split When JSR S
+; instruction is protected by an exception handler which does not
+; protect the S body then exception handler range must be split so
+; that it does not cover the JSR instruction. Otherwise exception
+; thrown from S could be incorrectly caught by handler protecting
+; the JSR instruction.
+.method public static testExceptionRangeSplit()V
+    .limit locals 2
+    .catch java/lang/RuntimeException from c_start to c_end using handler
+    .catch java/lang/Exception from sub_start to sub_end using sub_handler
+    jsr_w subroutine
+    return
+    pop
+    invokestatic jvm/TestCase/fail()V
+    return
+    astore 1
+    new java/lang/RuntimeException
+    dup
+    invokevirtual java/lang/RuntimeException/<init>()V
+    athrow
+    goto sub_out
+    pop
+    ret 1
+.end method
+; This method contains 3 nested subroutines.
+.method public static testNestedSubroutines()V
+    .limit locals 7
+    iconst_0
+    istore 4
+    iconst_0
+    istore 5
+    iconst_0
+    istore 6
+    jsr s1
+    jsr s2
+    goto l1
+    astore 1
+    iinc 4 1
+    jsr s2
+    jsr s3
+    goto s1_out
+    astore 2
+    iinc 5 1
+    jsr s3
+    goto s2_out
+    astore 3
+    iinc 6 1
+    ret 3
+    ret 2
+    ret 1
+    jsr s3
+    ; S1 counter
+    iload 4
+    iconst_1
+    invokestatic jvm/TestCase/assertEquals(II)V
+    ; S2 counter
+    iload 5
+    iconst_2
+    invokestatic jvm/TestCase/assertEquals(II)V
+    ; S3 counter
+    iload 6
+    iconst_4
+    invokestatic jvm/TestCase/assertEquals(II)V
+    return
+.end method
 .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
     invokestatic jvm/SubroutineTest/testSingleSubroutine()V
     invokestatic jvm/SubroutineTest/testWideInstructions()V
+    invokestatic jvm/SubroutineTest/testExceptionRangeSplit()V
+    invokestatic jvm/SubroutineTest/testNestedSubroutines()V
 .end method

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