The bug resulted in attempt to spill an interval which
has no register assigned.

Initial interval for vreg 20 has use positions at 4 and 29.
Register is available only for positions 4-11 which results
in interval splitting. There are no free registers available
for the new interval (11-29) so it is split at next use position,
which results in new interval 24-29. This interval is marked
as needing to be reloaded. The parent interval however has
no register assigned.

20 (pos:  4-11):        ECX     non-fixed       spill (5)       no reload
20 (pos: 11-24):        -       non-fixed       spill (6)       reload (5)
20 (pos: 24-29):        ESI     non-fixed       no spill        reload (6)

Proposed solution for this problem is to not generate intervals
which do not start with use position in try_to_allocate_free_reg().
In this example, we throw away the interval 11-24 will be dropped.
We can do that because register is not used in this range.
After this fix, we will have the following regalloc:

20 (pos:  4-11):        ECX     non-fixed       spill (5)       no reload
20 (pos: 24-29):        ESI     non-fixed       no spill        reload (5)

Signed-off-by: Tomek Grabiec <>
 jit/linear-scan.c |    1 +
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jit/linear-scan.c b/jit/linear-scan.c
index 21dd112..d2a3c92 100644
--- a/jit/linear-scan.c
+++ b/jit/linear-scan.c
@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ static void try_to_allocate_free_reg(struct live_interval 
                new = split_interval_at(current, free_until_pos[reg]);
                if (has_use_positions(new)) {
+                       new = split_interval_at(new, next_use_pos(new, 0));
                        mark_need_reload(new, current);
                        insert_to_list(new, unhandled);

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