
I have a problem in seting up my servlets in the jserv module of apache, is
there anyone who can give me a few tips?
Here is my System:
  Dual PII 333 256MB
  Solaris 2.6
  Apache 1.3.3

Here is the problem:
  I installed and configure the jserv module without a problem. The apache
server reports the Jserv Module as operational. I can also acess the
jserv-status page... mod_jserv.log file has no error now, as the apache log
and syslog message. The problem is when i try to access a servlet from the
url. I try the "hello servlet" but the my browser starts to connecting, and
stay a long time until i receive timeout message.

The same problems occurrs when i acces the link
apjv11://<hostname>:<port>/<zone> in the jserv-status page, the other link
(about configuration) has no problem and reports my correct parameters....

Can anyone help me?

Thank you

-- Sergio Silva

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