This isn't *exactly* servlet related, but very close.

Does anybody know of an IDE that supports the following features:
- Real time debugging of applets (supports making runtime changes to the
- Maintains session cookie when connecting to a web server

I have several applets, some complete, some in development, and they're
extremely unfriendly to work with because each build I have to take the
following steps:
- Modify the source code without any IDE
- Compile it
- Compress it into a zip
- Rename the zip
- Change the codebase name on the page on the web server (so that the
browsers properly reloads the code)
- Upload the zip
- Reload the page in my browser

This obviously isn't quick and makes any significant debugging very
cumbersome.  All I would really need is a decent IDE with
runtime-debugging/code changing to include the Cookie header (that
indicates the connections session) on any URLs constructed.  It doesn't
seem that hard, and it would make my life SO much easier (is there a
good open source IDE with runtime debugging I can modify?).  I have to
assume other people are developing applets that communicate with servlet
based sessions (or non-servlet based sessions for that matter).  Any
suggestions?  I'm so happy I can reuse my business logic in my servlets
and applets, but making the two communicate...

Serge Knystautas
Loki Technologies

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