>      Just jumping into the subject ... where are the outputs if the servlet
>      is called from a client browser ?

It it output to wherever the servlet engine was started.

If you start Apache JServ manually in a telnet session, then the
System.out.print() would go to that window because that is the terminal
session that the JVM is running in. Remember that System.out.print is coming
from the JVM. It would be the same as typing printf() in a C application.

Note, it really shouldn't matter where your output goes and you shouldn't
use System.out.print() for a servlet. The correct way to write your servlet
is to use Exceptions for what they are good for.... Have all of your
Exceptions thrown to the top of the calling chain so that they are caught in
one place. Then all you need to do is get an outputstream from the
HttpResponse object and print to that. You can printStackTrace to that
outputstream as well.


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