>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:        Ari Halberstadt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Only if you run a separate JVM for each servlet zone. Each JVM takes
>> something like 10-30MB just sitting around doing nothing.
>Is this really true?

I don't know. This is what I get using BlackdownJDK1.1.7/RedHat5.1:

ari@linux:etc:554$ ps auxwww | head -1; ps auxwww | grep java
ari       1862 63.4  4.0 21896  2544  p1 R    18:09   0:38 ...java foo
ari       1915 49.4  4.0 21896  2544  p1 R    18:09   0:20 ...java foo
httpd     1698  0.6  5.4 22648  3432  ?  S    18:08   0:00 ...jserv...

where foo is the phenomenally exciting inifinite loop program. Anyone with
more Linux experience want to tell me how to find out how much memory the
thing is really gobbling up?

>My guess is that JVMs use about 10MB of shared object code.  Each instance
>also uses at least  500K of heap (that's probably the bare minumum needed to
>run JServ).

>So, if you assume each JVM uses 1MB of heap and there's 10MB of shared
>object code then one instance would use 11MB but two instances would only
>use 12MB (roughly, of course).
>ted stockwell

-- Ari Halberstadt mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://www.magiccookie.com/>
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