> I'm now running my servlets on a Linux 2.2.2 box that's distinct from the
> web server machine. what's the correct way to issue a shutdown command to
> the the jserv process? I'm killing it right now but somehow I doubt that
> it's the best way to do things (I'd like my servlets to clean up after
> themselves).

For now, with 1.0bx you need to run it in automatic mode in order to
properly do a shut down. To do this, you just run apachectl stop or kill -15
on the parent httpd pid.

If you run it manually, it is not possible to shut it down cleanly yet. This
is something that needs to be done still and is one of the holdups for
releasing this as 1.0. We would love to get voluneers to complete this part.


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