> Hi,
> I'm wondering if anyone else has seen anything like this... What we have
> is a servlet that is connecting to an Oracle DB via Oracle's JDBC drivers,
> and when the connection fails for any reason, there are a number of
> processes labled <defunct> left on the system.  They are inactive children
> of the Java/JServ process, which is still working fine afterwards.
> Details: Solaris 2.6, Oracle 7.3.4, JServ 1.0b2, Apache 1.3.4
> The main problem is that very quickly there are a few thousand processes
> left on the system, and Solaris is configured to not allow more than 4000
> of them, so things break :)

I don't know if this has a bearing but Oracle's JDBC drivers are known to be
quite buggy (though a release in the last 3-4 months might have fixed this).
WebLogic's drivers for Oracle are said to be quite reliable.

Brett Knights

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