
Parameter files all over the place!


In any case, I have jserv 1.0b3 compiled and installed in
Stronghold-2.4.1, under RedHat 5.2.  along with Blackdown 1.1.7 of the
jvm.  (Applause is not required.) Now that I got the thing working, here
is what I want to do:

I want to have a seperate JVM per virtual host running under different

So I have something like:

User md
Group md

What pray tell, directorives do I put in the Virtual Host section that
would start up the VM jserv etc with all of it's marbles under the
proper uid/gid.

That is my first question.

The documentation is not clear what directives to put where in the
httpd.conf file.  Or perhaps I just need to continuously read more?


I have checked the documentation pretty well, and although it mentions
that you can have seperate zones, under each jvm, it doesn't tell you
what directives are required in the VirtualHost sections to make it

Or perhaps, you just don't add anything under the VirtualHost section???

Any hints would be appreciated.

In the meantime I will keep reading....and reading and reading....



PS: Anyone running the 1.2 JVM from Blackdown under RedHat 5.2?  I was
thinking about using it, but it is still sort of beta.  I would
appreciate any comments on that jvm sent my way.

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