I have successfully built Apache with mod_jserv staticaly compiled.  I managed
to configure jserv and get the 'Hello' servlet to work.  All on the OS/2
platform.  Actually it would be more accurate to say I have the 'hello'
servlet working.

I found (by manually starting jserv with the -v parameter) that when I tried
to run the hello servlet, with http://myMachine/servlet/Hello/, that jserv was
looking for 'hello.class'.  Needles to say it failed since java filenames are
case sensitive.

So I changed the source file name to 'hello.java', and the class to 'hello'
and recompiled.  Now I can successfully call the servlet with either
http://myMachine/servlet/Hello/ or http://myMachine/servlet/hello/.

I don't believe this is a jserv problem but if any one else has an answer,
other than change to Linux, then I would be very happy to exchange mail

Phil Vincent
Ext. 7751
Simoco Europe Limited
Tel:    (INT+44) (0)1223 876000
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