Adam Gifford wrote:

> Jean-Luc Rochat wrote:
> >
> > What is the memory really available on your system  (RAM+swap) ?
> >
> > Jean-Luc
> the machine has 2gb physical ram + 500mb swap.  it usually has from 300 megs
> to 150 megs of free ram, and most of the swap is usually free.

sounds enough for a 100MB heap size !
What is the JVM running ? JRE or java program ?
do you have options available for stack size ?
I usually start JServ like this (JDK1.1.6 Solaris)
java -noclassgc-noasyncgc  -ms64m -mx128m  ...

Well, you maybe need a java profiler ... because your servlet maybe keeps
references on objects that prevent gc from running.

Hope this helps

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