
I am having problems with Apache JServ (1.0b3) and Cocoon (1.1.1) on my
Linux box, when trying to access a .xml file to be parsed. The file is
news.xml from the Cocoon examples, BTW.

First the error messages:


[26/04/1999 17:07:15:125] (INFO) wrapper classpath:
[26/04/1999 17:07:15:126] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned (PID=332|PPID=324)
[26/04/1999 17:09:18:404] (ERROR) ajp11: Servlet Error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.ClassLoader: method
getSystemClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader; not found:
java.lang.ClassLoader: method getSystemClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;
not found
[26/04/1999 17:09:18:404] (ERROR) an error returned handling request via
protocol "ajpv11"


[26/04/1999 16:07:03:557 GMT] JServ is starting...
[26/04/1999 16:07:03:559 GMT] WARNING: connection authentication is disabled
[26/04/1999 16:07:03:634 GMT] Connection allowed from eddie/
[26/04/1999 16:07:03:634 GMT] Listening on port 8007 accepting 50 maximum
[26/04/1999 16:07:03:694 GMT] Creating Servlet Zones
[26/04/1999 16:07:16:705 GMT] JServ is starting...
[26/04/1999 16:07:16:707 GMT] WARNING: connection authentication is disabled
[26/04/1999 16:07:16:747 GMT] Connection allowed from eddie/
[26/04/1999 16:07:16:748 GMT] Listening on port 8007 accepting 50 maximum
[26/04/1999 16:07:16:770 GMT] Creating Servlet Zones
[26/04/1999 16:09:18:167 GMT] Connection from eddie/
[26/04/1999 16:09:18:202 GMT] Initializing servlet request
[26/04/1999 16:09:18:203 GMT] Reading request data
[26/04/1999 16:09:18:253 GMT] Parsing cookies
[26/04/1999 16:09:18:389 GMT] org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon: init
[26/04/1999 16:09:18:398 GMT] Sending response headers.
[26/04/1999 16:09:18:407 GMT] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
java.lang.ClassLoader: method getSystemClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;
not found
at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.run(JServConnection.java:301)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java)

Contains the last entry from jserv.log

My Configuration:
Stock Apache 1.3.6, bog-standard install with and included config file for
JServ. The JServ configuration files are basically the samples, with paths
fixes, a zone called "cocoon" created for the cocoon classes and .xml added
as type to pass to Cocoon.

Apache works fine, and JServ works fine because I can run the example fine.

Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance, a pineapple chunk for the first person to help me!

Just noticed: Jserv logs times as GMT and Apache doesn't (uses British
Summer Time).  When our clocks go back, won't that screw up the logs as
there will be two "2 'o clocks" in the morning?

Ross Burton

PROGRAM: n.  a magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's
input into error messages.  v.t.  to engage in a pastime similar to banging
one's head against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward.

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