We have a servlet (Foo.class) and a jar file (foo.jar) containing support
classes installed in a directory (C:\Foo).  Foo.class also reads various
runtime values from configuration file C:\Foo\foo.cfg.  
We would like to use Apache/JServ to access the servlet, but keep getting
"premature end of script"errors.  I know it must be something I missed in 
the installation, but can't seem to spot it at the end of a long day.
Here's the steps I took:

        1. Install Apache 1.3.4 for NT (http://localhost succeeds)
        2. Install JServ
           a. in jserv.properties:
           b. in zone.properties:


Anyone see the glaring error?

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

Michael Stacey
Lexi-Comp, Inc.
1100 Terex Road
Hudson OH 44236
(330) 650-6506

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