Apache 1.2 isn't really officially supported by the Apache Group; but
Apache JServ should continue to work for it.  There may be a few minor
changes necessary, but I think it may compile straight.

Until 1.0b3, I know I was doing QA w/ 1.2 as well as 1.3; and 1.0b4 isn't
a big enough change that this should break (though I can't say that I
tested w/ mod_php).

Also, JServ 0.9.12 will definitely work w/ Apache 1.2.6, and it is in use
on a number of production sites; but support for that will not be as good
as support for 1.0bX (by which I mean bug fixes & the like).

hth -


On Sat, 1 May 1999, Steve Nguyen wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working with a hosting company that would like to add Java Servlet
> support to their system. The problem is they are running Apache 1.6 and does
> not want to upgrade yet as they have some of their own code for it. Is there
> any way (in detail please) to add JServ into this box without interruption
> of the hosting service ? They have 180 virtual hosts and about 600 other
> clients in that box and that's scary to shut the web server down. For your
> information:
>     - Server running BSDI386
>     - Apache 1.2.6 (all mods installed)
>     - PHP3, Python etc.
> Thanks heaps,
> Steve
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