>> Not knowing that JDSK 2.1 is not supported (found this in the FAQ),
>Apache JServ is only compliant with the JSDK 2.0. It says this on the
>homepage of our website, in the INSTALL documentation, in the FAQ and
>20 other places.
>I'm not sure how to make this any clearer.

It's not an issue of making it clearer.  I downloaded this stuff Thurseday
April 29th and JDSK 2.0 was not available.  A note on the web was not
sufficient since I had absolutely no access to JSDK 2.0 jar - adding the
notebelow to the JServ page would be helpful.  I had no choice but to try
using the JSDK 2.1, even though it's not supported.  This remainder of the
information was helpful, specifically where I could get a copy of the JSDK
2.0 jar.
>You can get the 2.0 .jar file from here:
>Sun will have the 2.0 .jar file back up on their website soon. It was
>removed by accident.


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