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My configuration is : Suse Linux version 6.1
                     Apache  version 1.3.6
                     JServ version 1.0

My problem is :
When I try to call a native method named "ucpB0" from my servlet, i have
this message in log files :

       Jserv log file :
       ajp11: Servlet Error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ucpB0:
       an error returned handling request via protocol "ajpv11"

       Apache log file :
       java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ucpB0
       at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.run(JServConnection.java:336)
       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java)

When I call the native method from a "normal" (not a servlet) class, it
works fine...
So, I think it's a PATH problem but I don't know what i can do..
I try this 
in the jserv.properties file  because the dynamic library where ucpB0 is
is in /usr/lib.
It doesn't work.

Please help me if you know a solution
Thank you


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