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Apache 1.3.12 and JServ 1.1.2 on Win NT4.

Could you help me to solve a problem of redirection of request HTTP
using the mode "mod_rewrite".

Context :  
I wish to add one indexes "servlets" in my request HTTP for run a
servlet "processForm" under JServ.
Example : 
(from) http://myServer/processForm (to)

page html:
<form action="/processForm/" method="POST"> ... </form>

http.conf (vhost only):
     ServerName linxe-virtual.fr
     ServerAlias www.linxe-virtual.fr
     DocumentRoot d:/http/sourcing
     DirectoryIndex index.html
     RewriteEngine on
     RewriteRule ^/processForm(.*)$ /servlets/processForm$1 [R]

zone.properties :

Results : 
With the configuration above, I systematically recover in my servlet a
request GET !!!???
With the directive "RewriteRule ^/processForm(.*) /servlets/processForm
[PT]", I get the following error : "The requested URL
/servlets/processForm was not found on this server." !!!???.

Thank you.

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