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hi, thank you, kamesh,

with your advice i went back to my zones= directive in my
jserv.properties file and commented out the "webmail.properties="
line and rewrote the "zones=" line from




this effectively isolated out webmail temporarily, and then when
i restarted, everything worked fine.

well, i figured out that it was an installation of webmail
(http://jwebmail.sourceforge.net/) via the current rpm
(webmail-0.7.4-1) which had broken everything. when i
investigating further, i discovered that the reason the webmail
servlet rpm blew everything up was that it had been packaged
incorrectly: its "/etc/httpd/conf/jserv/webmail.properties" file
was still erroneouslypointing all its
repositories to an older directory (/usr/lib/webmail-0.7.3/*)
tree, when the newer rpm was putting everything in
/usr/lib/webmail-0.7.4! (Same for the "servlet.webmail.initArgs="
directive at the end of that file) So JServ was bombing out
trying to load classes it could not find.

So then I went back in again and put the webmail references BACK
into the jserv.properties file, but this time, i replaced all
occurences of "0.7.3" in the webmail.properties file with
"0.7.4", and now JServ does not bomb out trying to load classes
it cannot find.

So your advice did help, by pointing me in the right direction.

Thank you, Kamesh

Jeff Stern

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Kamesh Kompella wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
>         The null pointer exception is arising because your
> servlet conatiner tries to load the servlet and doesn't find
> it. Why doesn't it find the servlet? Possibly because the
> servlets zones are not mapped correctly. In the configuration
> files ( I forget if it is jserv.conf or servlet.conf) you need
> to indcate your sevlet zones, and what directories the server
> should look up when asked to load a servlet in the zones.
> Did you set the servlet zones to indicate /servlets?
> Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes and how you solved the
> problem.
> Kamesh

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