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Sorry to post this again, but I still haven't found why it doesn't work.
No clue ?


Hi there,

I'm new to the list, so hello to everyone.

I made a servlet which matches WML into HTML with some Javascript.
You can access it at : http://mobile.voila.fr then click on the picture
of the mobile phone et voila.

We're running Linux Redhat 6.2, Apache 1.3.12, JServ 1.1.2

The problem is that, sometimes, when accessing our servlet, we get an ERROR
It doesn't matter what the orginal wml page is, it's totally random.

Looking at the servlet own logs, we can see it's restarting at the time
we get the error 500 :

Tue Jan 23 14:29:19     accès serveur http://wap.ludiwap.com/ sans proxy.
Tue Jan 23 14:29:44
Tue Jan 23 14:29:44     Démarrage des logs.

You know, "Démarrage des logs" is only executed on the servlet init() .

Now just look at Apache "error_log" :
[Tue Jan 23 14:29:33 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of
 headers: /servlet/Wap
Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found

Note that we don't use fonts at all in our servlet ...

Now take a look at mod_jserv.log :

[23/01/2001 14:29:33:525] (EMERGENCY) ajp12[1]: cannot scan servlet headers
[23/01/2001 14:29:33:525] (ERROR) an error returned handling request via
l "ajpv12"
[23/01/2001 14:29:34:496] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: ping: no reply (-1)
Please make sure that the wrapper.classpath is pointing to the correct
version of ApacheJServ.jar

I've read the FAQ but there's no mention of these errors except at the
application server startup.

I need your help, I really don't understand what happens.

Best wishes,


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