Another big item would be to reduce time it takes for Axis2 build. May be we can move some modules out or find a better way to build.

There is another area where help would be welcome. I did some work
recently to make the build succeed on Java 7, and I know that it works
on Mac OS X (because I use that OS) and Linux (because the build works
on Jenkins). On the other hand, Deepal reported that he had/has
problems building on Windows. A build having platform (and Java
version) dependent issues is obviously bad. Personally, I no longer
have access to Windows machines (and I'm not really motivated to get
one running in the cloud somewhere...). So one useful contribution
would be to test the build on various platforms and Java versions and
help debugging issues identified.


On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Hiranya Jayathilaka
<> wrote:
Andun, Ravi and Asanka,

Thank you very much for your show of support for Axis2 and Synapse projects.
Please subscribe to the Axis2 mailing list if you already haven't and start
working on some issues. I'm sure Deepal would be happy to point out some of
the most important ones that need fixing immediately.

I will also try to find some time over the next couple of weeks and help
expedite the Axis2 release.


On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Deepal jayasinghe <> wrote:
As I mentioned in one of the previous email, the best way to contribute at
this point is pick few JIRAs and send patches. Once you send around three
patches we will make you a committer.


Hi Hiranya/Deepal,

I've also been working with synapse and axis2 in the past two or so years
and have some familiarity with the code base so I too would like to


On 28 June 2015 at 11:06, Hiranya Jayathilaka <>
I'm opening this up for dev@ in the hope of getting some more feedback.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Hiranya Jayathilaka <>
Subject: Time to Call it a Day?
Date: June 10, 2015 12:08:33 AM PDT
To: "" <>


Hi Folks,

It doesn't look like there's any active development happening in Synapse
anymore. Here's a quick run down of our track record over the last few

No. of commits in 2015: 2
No. of commits in 2014: 10
Last committer vote: December 2013
Last release: January 2012 (v2.1)

Needless to say these are not the signs of a healthy open source project.
Additionally, we have very little traffic on our mailing lists, and our
efforts to do a release have been impeded by a number of factors (committers
having difficulty finding time, slow release cycles of Axis2 and other
dependencies etc.).

Deepal is trying really hard to get an Axis2 release out the door, but
despite his best efforts that release is also being delayed due to lack of
time and manpower.

Given this status, I'm beginning to wonder whether it's time to close
down the shop, and move the project into Attic. What do you think?

In my PERSONAL opinion, both Axis2 and Synapse have had a great run, and
now it's time for them to gracefully retire. From the lack of mailing list
and development activity, it looks like there's not much interest in these
technologies any more. At least not to the point, where new releases are
required -- existing users might still need patches and routine maintenance
to already released code. The problems these projects attempt to solve (SOAP
services and enterprise integration), have been well studied, researched and
solved over the last 15 years. Many powerful and mature solutions exist
(some of which are based on Axis2 and Synapse), but there doesn't seem to be
any interest towards further developing these core platforms. The industry
focus has shifted to other matters.

However, that's just my personal view point. If the community at large
believes otherwise, then we need to take a few corrective measures. Some of
us need to join the Axis2 release effort, and expedite that release cycle.
There's an open invitation from the Axis2 PMC, and I'm sure they will be
happy to grant us commit access if any of us are willing to join. Then we
need to get the Synapse release process underway, and start thinking about
the future development prospects for the Synapse project.

Let me know what you think.



Hiranya Jayathilaka
Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;
E-mail:;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443

Hiranya Jayathilaka
Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;
E-mail:;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443

Hiranya Jayathilaka
Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;
E-mail:;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443
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