Dear Axis community:

In recent quarterly reports from the Apache Axis PMC to the Apache
board, there is a question seeking out a new PMC chair to ensure that
reports are thorough and submitted in a timely manner.

Has there been any further discussion within the PMC or the larger
community about any volunteers for a PMC chair to submit board reports?
It's not a lot of work, but it is an important part of showing that your
project is active.

Similarly, there had been discussion about moving more sub-projects to
the Apache Attic (effectively making them read-only, and telling users
they're no longer maintained) which don't seem to have all come to a
conclusion, nor is the project homepage listing which subproject sites
have been boxed in the Attic versus being actively developed.

As a project with a long history and stable software, it's fine when the
pace of development slows down.  But the ASF still needs to ensure that
we're clearly letting users know how active the development is on
different subprojects, as well as honestly admitting when there aren't
enough developers on some part of the project to keep up with user
issues and/or any new security issues.


- Shane

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