Wolf Siberski wrote:

------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005-04-27 17:15 -------
Wolf's revisions to my changes to Query.combine() look fine. The single-query
optimization is good -- my oversight to have not included it originally. I
don't believe either of the other two changes is necessary, but they are correct:
1. Using a flag instead of the labelled loop is a matter of style as Wolf
says, and it's a little less efficent (the biggest effect could be remedied by
one more if (splittable) to avoid unnecessarily copying the clauses of a
BooleanQuery where coord is not disabled).

Yep, the additional if... should be added.

2. Changing BooleanQuery equality to be independent of clause order is
semantically correct, although again it is a little less efficient. It's only
purpose is to stop a false-negative in the new tests.

Here I don't agree. The previous implementation was incorrect, and the new
tests did discover that bug.

I agree that defining BooleanQuery equality as set equality rather than sequence equality on the clauses is the semantically superior definition. It has the pracitcal benefit of simplifying optimization and/or making a simple optimization implementation as we have here more complete. However, I don't agree with the test's requirement that MultiSearcher rewritten queries be equal to single-index rewritten queries when the collections being searched are the same (with the only difference being that the the collection is distributed across indices in the MultiSearcher case). This is a desirable property, but it is not part of the definition of "correctness". Correctness should require that the results be the same (same hits, rankings and scores). In any case where the optimizations are not complete, the rewritten queries could be different. If we go with this more stringent definition of correctness then the current implementation is still not correct as I can construct queries where the rewriting will not be the same due to missing optimizations. I think this argument is academic however and shouldn't hold us up.

I also considered to correct this by ensuring
a defined order of clauses, or by replacing the vector with a set. That
would have been a bit more performant, but would have needed much more
effort and may have caused unwanted side effects.

In general, IMHO query processing performance is nearly always dominated by
index accesses, and in the few cases where query preparation takes a significant
share, the whole processing will be fast enough anyway. So I don't see a
need to squeeze out the last few processing cycles from query preparation.

Many additional optimizations could be added. It seems redundant to have
optimizations here and in the rewrite mechanism. Since we are down to just
Query.combine(), only called from one place, I think a better fix is to change
MultiSearcher to pass the reader as well. Then Query.combine() could construct
the straightforward BooleanQuery and rewrite it. All the optimizations would
then go into a single place, the rewrite methods. Wolf, what do you think of
that approach?

Yes, there is a problem of code duplication. But I don't yet understand your
proposal. Which reader could the MultiSearcher pass? We only have Searchables
inside of MultiSearcher which don't (and probably shouldn't) expose their readers.

Another way to approach the problem would be to split the rewriting process
into two phases: in the first phase the query is rewritten into a combination
of term queries, and in the second phase this combination is optimized.
The second phase doesn't need the reader anymore. Then the MultiSearcher could
delegate the first phase to its Searchables (as before), combine the resulting
queries by just joining them, and then call the optimization method on the
combined query. If there are no objections I could try if that works.

This is a good idea. I think it is a better factoring of the code, separating the logically distinct processes of query expansion into primitive queries and query optimization. It is important to maintain backward compatibility, so the current rewrite methods would need to maintain their current semantics, calling new methods to implement each phase of processing. To work with the new MultiSearcher, user written Query subclasses would have to refactor their rewrite methods, but I think this is acceptable as there are similar requirements already (e.g., user-written primitive Query subclasses have to now provide an extractTerms() method). Things could be made a little simpler by defining default implementations of the two new methods in Query: query expansion would call rewrite() and query optimization would be a no-op. Then things would work with MultiSearcher -- it would simply be an optimization to factor out the optimization parts of rewriting for more efficient combined queries.

What do the developers think of Wolf's proposal?


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