Hi Monsur,

I just finished porting SegmentReader.java to C# last night for 1.9 RC1 and
I did see your observation -- this is now fixed in RC1.

All: Speaking of my port work for 1.9 RC1, I don't have a clear idea what to
do about java.util.zip.  There is no equivalent in .NET and it is being used
in Lucene 1.9 RC1 for Index.FieldsWriter and Index.FieldsReader.  Any


-- George Aroush

-----Original Message-----
From: Monsur Hossain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:18 PM
To: java-dev@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Questions about DeleteFile method

This does happen in the Java version (1.4.3), but I now have a better idea
of what's going on.  I felt really cool, wrote a big long explanation about
it, and then just for kicks checked the code in the Repository.  Guess what,
it will be fixed in the next version.  If you're interested, the issue is in
the files() method, around line 219, of Index\SegmentReader.java; in version
1.4.3 there's no check if the file exists before adding it to the Vector.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Otis Gospodnetic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 1:26 AM
> To: java-dev@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Questions about DeleteFile method
> Judging from the method name, this is back in Lucene.Net, so maybe 
> this is a bug in the .Net port.  The .cfs file indicates that you are 
> using the compound index format, which means that *.fN files should 
> not be deleted explicitly like that.
> I wonder if you see the same behaviour with Lucene (Java).
> Otis
> --- Monsur Hossain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So after digging around FSDirectory's DeleteFile method, I noticed 
> > something curious.  After an incremental index, the system tried to 
> > delete a lot of
> > *.f* files (like _5.f1, _5.f2), which didn't exist on the file 
> > system.
> > These files are named after the segment that is being deleted (for 
> > example, there does exist a _5.cfs file, which is deleted).  Why its
> trying to
> > delete
> > these files that don't exist?
> > 
> > Also, when these files aren't found, DeleteFile throws an exception; 
> > the calling method traps this exception and adds the filename to the 
> > "deletable"
> > file.  This can lead to a lot of exceptions being thrown during a 
> > large indexing operation, which could incur a performance penalty.  
> > For performance reasons, should DeleteFile return a boolean (true if 
> > the file is deleted, false if not), which the calling method can 
> > then handle approriately?  The calling method would still have to 
> > trap on the exception, but at least there'd be far fewer Exceptions 
> > thrown.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Monsur
> > 
> > P.s. I haven't done any perf tests to verify this, it was just a 
> > thought.
> > I'll look into pulling something together.
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