I've been looking at the BooleanScorer code in 1.4.3 and realized that it has several problems.  These are:
1) It does things in chunks of 1024 document ids.  This means it executes in a time that depends on the number of indexed documents.
2) Finding the subscorer with the lowest document id scales linearly with the number of scorers (corresponding to clauses in the Boolean query)
3) It does not implement the skipTo() method, because its technique of doiing 1024 document id's at a time interferes with this.  This makes it impossible to use a BooleanScorer within a Conjunction Scorer.
I've attached a rewritten BooleanScorer which solves these problems.  It basically uses a btree to keep the individual subscorers, and it removes subscorers that have reached the end of their documents.  It thus removes the dependency on the number of documents indexed, and it performs in O(log(number of clauses)) instead of O(number of clauses).

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package org.apache.lucene.search;

 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.io.IOException;

final class BooleanScorer extends Scorer

  /** This is a linked list of subclause scorers */
  private SubScorer scorers = null;

  /** This is the number of non-prohibited clauses we encountered, plus one */
  private int maxCoord = 1;

  /** This is an array of the results of the Similarity.coord() function, which
  * will be calculated when the number of non-prohibited clauses is finally 
known */
  private float[] coordFactors = null;

  /** requiredMask keeps track of which bit positions are "required" */
  private int requiredMask = 0;
  /** prohibitedMask keeps track of which bit positions are "prohibited" */
  private int prohibitedMask = 0;

  /** This is the next bit mask to use for a subscorer for a subclause.
  * This limits the kinds that need masks to 32 */
  private int nextMask = 1;

  BooleanScorer(Similarity similarity)

  /** Add a scorer (of any kind) into a Boolean scorer.  The scorer's methods 
will be used to score
  * the combined result.
  * There are three possible legal combinations of parameters:
  * 1) Required: The corresponding clause MUST be matched by the document (AND)
  * 2) Prohibited: The corresponding clause CANNOT be matched by the document 
  * 3) Nothing special: The corresponding clause MAY be matched by the document 
  final void add(Scorer scorer, boolean required, boolean prohibited)
    throws IOException {
    int mask = 0;
    // The number of required/prohibited clauses is restricted by this 
implementation to 32,
    // because a bit mask is used to describe (for a given doc) which of the 
boolean clauses
    // it meets.  This is only necessary (apparently) when either prohibited or 
    if (required || prohibited) {
      if (nextMask == 0)
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
          ("More than 32 required/prohibited clauses in query.");
      mask = nextMask;
      nextMask = nextMask << 1;
    } else
      mask = 0;

    // maxCoord is the "total number of terms in the query".  This gets updated 
    // the clause is not "prohibited".
    // NOTE that I believe there is a problem here, in that no attempt is made 
to obtain
    // the "term count" from any of the subqueries that go into the boolean 
query.  The
    // maxCoord value therefore is only a count of the number of "subqueries 
that aren't
    // prohibited" in the Boolean query.
    if (!prohibited)

    // prohibitedMask keeps track of which bit positions are "prohibited".
    // requiredMask keeps track of which bit positions are "required".
    if (prohibited)
      prohibitedMask |= mask;                     // update prohibited mask
    else if (required)
      requiredMask |= mask;                       // update required mask

    // Scorers is a tree of the actual scorers.
    // The hit collector also cares about the mask, so pass it in
    SubScorer sub = new SubScorer(scorer, mask, prohibited);

  /** This method simply precalculates the value of the coord() function from 
  * Similarity implementation we are using.  The array contains the value of the
  * coord function where the index is the number of "terms" that match in a 
  * measured against the number of subqueries (that aren't "prohibited") in the 
  * query.
  * I would hope that coordFactors[] is therefore indexed by the number of 
subqueries that
  * match for a given document, not the number of terms...
  private final void computeCoordFactors() throws IOException {
    coordFactors = new float[maxCoord];
    for (int i = 0; i < maxCoord; i++)
      coordFactors[i] = getSimilarity().coord(i, maxCoord-1);

  // Local current values - these are the current values for the document being 
worked on.
  // They are reset whenever another document is started.
  protected int currentDoc;
  protected float currentScore;
  protected int currentCoord;
  protected int currentBits;

  /** Get the current document number for this Boolean scorer.
  public int doc()
        // Use the current bucket, which MUST have been set up when next() was 
        // the first time.
        return currentDoc;

  /** Get the score for the current document for this scorer.
  public float score() throws IOException
    // Do the precalculation of the coord[] array, if needed
    if (coordFactors == null)

    // We adjust the current document's score by the number of terms matched in 
the subscorer,
    // vs. the number of non-prohibited subscorers!!!
    // (Not sure this is in fact correct, unless Bucket.coord represents 
somehow a number of
    // sub-scorers).
    return currentScore * coordFactors[currentCoord];

  /** Advance to the next document.
  * This method will advance (internally) to the next valid current document 
bucket.  It also looks like
  * this document fills the hit collector as needed, from the subscorers.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] false if there are no more documents; true otherwise.
  public boolean next() throws IOException
    // The algorithm here is to first loop through the linked list of scorers, 
and find the minimum document id #.
    // Then, we reset the current* variables, and collect all the data from the 
scorers for that document
    // (doing a "next()" for each one, of course).
    // Finally, if the collected data is excluded, we go on to the next one.
    while (true)
        // Reset all collector variables
        currentDoc = -1;
        currentBits = 0;
        currentScore = 0.0f;
        currentCoord = 0;

        // Look for lowest doc id first
        SubScorer list = scorers;
        if (list == null)
                return false;
        SubScorer prev = null;
        while (true)
                if (list.lesser == null)
                prev = list;
                list = list.lesser;

        // Disconnect from chain
        if (prev == null)
                scorers = list.greater;
                prev.lesser = list.greater;
        list.greater = null;

        currentDoc = list.currentDoc;

        // Now, do the collection phase
        while (list != null)
                SubScorer sub = list;
                list = list.next;
                currentBits |= sub.mask;
                if (!sub.prohibited)
                        currentScore += sub.scorer.score();
                if (sub.next())

        // Now, check if the current document should be excluded or not
        // This document can only be used if it is NOT prohibited in any of the
        // places that matched it, and is present in all the required places.
        if ((currentBits & prohibitedMask) == 0 && 
            (currentBits & requiredMask) == requiredMask)

    return true;

  /** This method's semantics are: set the stream to the specified doc id, then
  * decide if there is anything more on the stream, and return true if so.
  public boolean skipTo(int target) throws IOException
        // Keep getting the lowest, and doing "skip to", until the lowest is >= 
        // target.
        while (true)
                SubScorer list = scorers;
                // If the active tree is empty, it means there are no more 
                if (list == null)
                        return false;
                SubScorer prev = null;
                while (true)
                        if (list.lesser == null)
                        prev = list;
                        list = list.lesser;

                // If the id >= target, then we are done.
                // Furthermore, we know there are more id's to go.
                if (list.currentDoc >= target)

                // Disconnect from chain
                if (prev == null)
                        scorers = list.greater;
                        prev.lesser = list.greater;
                list.greater = null;

                // Walk through the list and do the skip
                while (list != null)
                        SubScorer sub = list;
                        list = list.next;
                        if (sub.skipTo(target))

                // Loop back around again.

    // Ok, there are other POSSIBLE choices.  We have to assure ourselves that
    // a legal one exists though, before returning true.
    while (true)
        // Reset all collector variables
        int currentDoc = -1;
        int currentBits = 0;

        // Look for lowest doc id first
        SubScorer list = scorers;
        if (list == null)
                return false;
        SubScorer prev = null;
        while (true)
                if (list.lesser == null)
                        // Do NOT disconnect from chain; but allow
                        // ourselves the option if this turns out to
                        // be a valid combo
                prev = list;
                list = list.lesser;

        // Now, do the collection phase
        SubScorer sub = list;
        while (sub != null)
                currentBits |= sub.mask;
                sub = sub.next;

        // Now, check if the current document should be excluded or not
        // This document can only be used if it is NOT prohibited in any of the
        // places that matched it, and is present in all the required places.
        if ((currentBits & prohibitedMask) == 0 && 
            (currentBits & requiredMask) == requiredMask)

        // Advance past this document; it doesn't qualify
        // First, disconnect the list from the chain
        if (prev == null)
                scorers = list.greater;
                prev.lesser = list.greater;
        list.greater = null;

        // Now, advance each one - requeue only if there's more stuff.
        while (list != null)
                sub = list;
                list = list.next;
                if (sub.next())


    return true;

  public Explanation explain(int doc) throws IOException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    if (scorers != null)
    return buffer.toString();

  /** This method inserts a SubScorer object into the scorers tree, using the 
document identifier
  * to order it.
  protected void addToTree(SubScorer sub)
        int currentDoc = sub.currentDoc;
        if (currentDoc == -1)
        SubScorer current = scorers;
        SubScorer prev = null;
        boolean lesser = false;
        while (true)
                if (current == null)
                        // Add it here
                        sub.next = null;
                        if (prev == null)
                                scorers = sub;
                                if (lesser)
                                        prev.lesser = sub;
                                        prev.greater = sub;
                if (currentDoc == current.currentDoc)
                        // Add into current doc chain
                        sub.next = current.next;
                        current.next = sub;
                if (currentDoc < current.currentDoc)
                        // Go down lesser chain
                        lesser = true;
                        prev = current;
                        current = current.lesser;
                        // Go down greater chain
                        lesser = false;
                        prev = current;
                        current = current.greater;

  /** Each subscorer is represented by one of these.
  static final class SubScorer
    public Scorer scorer;
    public boolean done = false;
    public int mask;
    public SubScorer next = null;
    public SubScorer lesser = null;
    public SubScorer greater = null;
    public boolean prohibited;
    public int currentDoc;      // Current document number; will be -1 if end

    public SubScorer(Scorer scorer, int mask, boolean prohibited)
      throws IOException
      this.scorer = scorer;
      this.mask = mask;
      this.prohibited = prohibited;
      // Initialize by doing a next()

    /** Proceed to the next document for this scorer.
    public boolean next()
        throws IOException
      if (done)
        return false;
      done = !scorer.next();
      if (done == false)
                currentDoc = scorer.doc();
                return true;
      currentDoc = -1;
      return false;

    /** Skip to a target doc id, and return true if there is stuff after that.
    public boolean skipTo(int target)
        throws IOException
        if (done)
                return false;
        done = !scorer.skipTo(target);
      if (done == false)
                currentDoc = scorer.doc();
                return true;
      currentDoc = -1;
      return false;

    /** Get this as a string.
    public String toString()
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (next != null)
                sb.append(" ").append(next.toString());
        if (lesser != null)
                sb.append(" ").append(lesser.toString());
        if (greater != null)
                sb.append(" ").append(greater.toString());
        return sb.toString();



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