> I didn't follow this closely, but are you saying that
> LuceneIndexAccessor then replaces IOError caused by locking with
> blocking calls?  It sounds like the client of LuceneIndexAccessor still
> needs to keep track of open IndexReaders, IndexWriters, etc., or else
> one can end up with a hard-to-track blocked call somewhere in the code,
> no?  It would be nice to see how this works via a unit test.

Please see http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34995#c3

The client just does getWriter(), getReader() or whatever it wishes, then
uses release() to give the instances back. The index accessor is responsible
for synchronizing access such that no two writers can be open at the same
time etc.

Maik Schreiber   *   http://www.blizzy.de

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