Please post to java-user in the future. java-dev is for discussion of the internals of Lucene.

On 30 Oct 2005, at 22:18, Urvashi Gadi wrote:
I am new to Lucene and am trying to use Lucene for our digital library
search engine.

I have a couple of questions

1. Is there a way to use QueryParser so that the query object constructed can search against all the indexed information and not only one field which
can be specified as an argument.

Two options... index all searchable text into a single "contents" field and use that as the default field for QueryParser (my preference) or use MultiFieldQueryParser.

2. When I use class "Field", the compiler says that it has been deprecated.
But i couldn't find the information in Java docs. Any pointers?

Are you using Lucene 1.4.3? If so, the javadocs are online on the Lucene site. If you're using a custom build of Lucene, you'll want to consult the source you used or generate the javadocs. The Field class itself has not been deprecated, but some methods have been - please let us know what methods you need clarification on (on java- user).


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