: cooperate in any sane fashion, to no avail. He's not interested in
: changing the license, he's not even interested in any contributions.

Licensing issues are one of those things i'm always glad other people
understand and worry about -- because i don't want to -- so forgive me if
this is a silly question, but is there any reason Luke couldn't be
commited as a contrib module, without commiting the thinlet dependencies
(jars and what not) with a build.xml file that caused the entire contrib
module to be a NOOP unless the thinlet dependencies were detected in the
classpath (in the same way that the core build.xml skips the javacc tasks
if it's not installed)

that way the entire thing could be maintained in the lucene repository,
but people who wanted to use it owuld have to explicilty download the
thinlet dependencies.

Would that violate the thinlet license, or any apache policies regarding
other licenses?


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