On 7/10/06, David Balmain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't think declaring all fields up front is necessary for
substantial optimizations. I've found that the key to some really good
optimizations is having constant field numbers. That is, once a field
is added to the index it is assigned a field number and it it keeps
that field number for the life of the index.

I can sort of see how this would work when adding documents to a singe index.
What about merging indicies via IndexWriter.addIndexes()?  I guess
this would require keeping the current way of merging around as a

Does this mess up opening a MultiReader on multiple indicies
constructed at different times?  This is a common thing for people to

This allows one
FieldInfos object per index instead of one per segment.

So when a new segment is written, the global FieldInfos may need to be updated.
I guess this should be written after the new segment and before the
"segments" file.

 As I mentioned
earlier this greatly optimizes the merging of term vectors and stored
fields. The only problem I could find with this solution is that
fields are no longer in alphabetical order in the term dictionary but
I couldn't think of a use-case where this is necessary although I'm
sure there probably is one.

Isn't an ordered term dictionary necessary to do lookups?

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