Hi Peter,

I'm also a Netbeans user, ableit a very happy one who would never
consider eclipse!

The following sequence of steps has worked for me in netbeans 4.0 and
5.0 (haven't upgraded to 5.5 quite yet).  The reason for the unusual
directory structure is that Lucene's interleaving of the core and the
various contribs within a single directory tree is incompatible with
netbeans standard assumptions.  This is worked around by having all the
project files external to the Lucene directory tree; each can point at
its build script, source package, etc., in the same directory tree.

   1. Create a parent directory for all of your projects, say Projects.
   2. Check lucene out of svn into Projects/LuceneTrunk.
   3. Create new netbeans for core and whatever contribs you use, all
      parallel to Projects/LuceneTrunk.  E.g., Projects/Lucene (the
      core), Projects/Highlighter, Projects/Snowball, etc..  For each
      project (e.g., Lucene), do:
         1. File - New Project - General - Java Project with Existing
            Ant Script
         2. Set the project location:  Projects/LuceneTrunk
         3. Set the build script (defaults correctly): 
         4. Set the project name:  Lucene
         5. Set the project location:  Projects/Lucene
         6. Update the ant targets (build ==> jar, not compile; rest are
            correct; add custom targets for jar-demo, javacc, javadocs
            and docs)
         7. Set the source package folders:  ../LuceneTrunk/src/java
         8. Set the test package folders:  ../LuceneTrunk/src/test and
         9. Finish (no classpath settings)
        10. Build the source (Lucene project context menu - Build)
        11. Set the class path for src/demo (Lucene context menu -
            Properties - Java Sources Classpath - select src/demo - Add
            Jar/Folder LuceneTrunk/build/lucene-core-<version>-dev.jar
        12. Build the demos (Lucene context menu - jar-demo)
        13. Set the classpath for src/test (as above, add both the core
            jar and the demo jar)
        14. Now run the tests (Lucene context menu - Test Project)

All works great.  From here on, all netbeans features are available
(debugging, refactoring, code database, completion, ...)

You can also of course run ant from the command line, should you ever
want to.

Good luck,


peter decrem wrote on 07/10/2006 07:05 PM:
> I am trying to contribute to the dot lucene port, but
> I am having no luck in getting the tests to compile
> and debug for the java version.  I tried eclipse and
> failed and now I am stuck in Netbean.
> More specifically I am using Netbean 5.5 (same
> problems with 5.0).  My understanding is that it comes
> with junit standard (3.8).  I did create a
> build.properties file for javacc.  It compiles but I
> get the following error when I run the tests:
> compile-core:
> compile-demo:
> common.compile-test:
> compile-test:
> test:
> C:\lucene-1.9.1\common-build.xml:169:
> C:\lucene-1.9.1\lib not found.
> BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
> The relevant code in common-build.xml is:
>   <target name="test" depends="compile-test"
> description="Runs unit tests">
>     <fail unless="junit.present">
> ##################################################################
>       JUnit not found.
>       Please make sure junit.jar is in ANT_HOME/lib,
> or made available
>       to Ant using other mechanisms like -lib or
> ##################################################################
>     </fail>
>     <mkdir dir="${junit.output.dir}"/>
>     <junit printsummary="off" haltonfailure="no"
> line 169 XX->      errorProperty="tests.failed"
> failureProperty="tests.failed">
>       <classpath refid="junit.classpath"/>
>       <!-- TODO: create propertyset for test
> properties, so each project can have its own set -->
>       <sysproperty key="dataDir" file="src/test"/>
>       <sysproperty key="tempDir"
> file="${build.dir}/test"/>
> Any suggestions?  Or any pointers to getting the tests
> to work in netbeans are appreciated.
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*Chuck Williams*
V: (808)885-8688
C: (415)846-9018
Skype: manawiz
AIM: hawimanawiz
Yahoo: jcwxx

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