On Thursday 07 September 2006 10:03, eks dev wrote:
> on the other note,
> the key for really efficiant matchers will be good SmartMatcherFactory that 
picks the best representation for given density/"sortednes". 
> The cases I've been able to identify so far:
> Very Low density - IntList
> Low density VIntSortedList
> Dense - OpenBitSet/BitSetIterator or such
> Sorted - (imagine case where you have an oportunity to sort your index on 
category field, quite offten I guess as it does not require absolute 
"sortedness", it is enough to sort periodicly without caring for smaller 
updates). There, one simple interval list can do the magic in just a few 
bytes of memory, even in high density cases. 
> More ideas on this?

What's the point of using a sorted interval list for a category?
With the patch, a TermScorer is a Matcher, so one could
use a TermScorer to filter a category assuming the category
has an indexed term.
For filtering, it might be worthwhile to introduce a TermMatcher
to avoid the scoring done in TermScorer.

Paul Elschot

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