: I'm not sure if "the user specified the wrong directory" is necessarily
: the correct situation here.  Unless a user specifically sets the
: org.apache.lucene.lockDir property, they aren't really choosing the lock
: directory location - Lucene uses the java.io.tmpdir property as a
: default, without any input from the user.  A user who runs into this

It depends on your definition of "user" ... someone is setting the
java.io.tmpdir ... if the lockDir hasn't been explicitly set, and tmpdir
points at a bogus directory, that should be an error.  (just like it
should be an error if lockDir is explicitly set, but points at a bogus

: problem will see only something like "Cannot create directory: /temp" in
: their logs, and then has to go through the source code to figure out why
: anything is trying to create that directory.
: The code already defaults to using the index directory for lock files
: (which the user DID specify) if the org.apache.lucene.lockDir property
: and the java.io.tmpdir properties are not set - it doesn't seem like
: much of a stretch to just modify the code to also use the index
: directory if at least the java.io.tmpdir property is invalid.

There is a big differnce between coosing a default in the absense of
input, and making assumptions when input is "bad" ... as i said:
applications that want to make these assumptions can do so, but the Lucene
*library* should not ... the system properties are input just like values
passed to method calls -- we have to respect that input.


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