
Lucy is certainly an interesting project. There is a great advantage
of having a C language lucene which doesn't conform as closely to the
java lucene api (as CLucene does). I imagine there are many
optimisations available. But CLucene does offer something to
developers, among other things: a fairly complete port (most features
are implemented) which is high-performance, portable, extensible, and
not too hard to learn (especially if you've already done some work
with java lucene already). There are also quite a lot of projects
using it now, which must means something :)



On 15/10/06, Marvin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Oct 15, 2006, at 3:13 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

> perhaps this can dove-tail with the Lucy incubation?

Lucy is all new code, so the project isn't actually passing through
the incubator.  We're looking at what Lucene did, what Ferret (Ruby/
C, Dave Balmain) did, and what KinoSearch (Perl/C, myself) did,
cherry-picking the best bits, and synthesizing something new.  I
don't really see how that process can be reconciled with the concept
of importing CLucene (C++) en toto.  I imagine Ben would bring a lot
to Lucy, though, should he choose to start contributing.  (Same for
other CLucene authors; I'm only familiar with Ben.)

Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research

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