----- Original Message ----
From: Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

: But consistency would help me and I suppose I still favor flagging
: everything as 2.1 now. If not for the simple reason that I don't know
: how to decide if something should go into some 2.0.1 when I don't know
: what's going to trigger the need for it.

see ... i would argue that it makes more sense to just leave FV
unspecified unless you have a specific reason why you think the issue you
are resolving should *drive* the creation of a release, or be merged into
a specific release branch.  Only if you are saying "this is an urgent bug
fix" should you flag something as 2.0.1 indicating that you think we need
a 2.0.1 release.

OG: I agree.  I think historically we've had only a few point (X.Y.Z) releases 
due to serious bugs.  Check page 9 in Lucene in Action for release history up 
to 1.4.3.  It looks like 1.4.1 was the only bug-caused point release.  In 
general, I think patches have been going to trunk, and we'd just pick a day to 
make a release when enough new stuff/fixes accumulated.  If what I'm saying is 
right, then I think what Hoss is saying makes sense - leave FV unspecified, 
unless the patch is for a serious bug that needs to be applied to the released 
version and another release be made.


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