Hello everyone,
  We are currently using Lucene 1.9.1 at work. Using a profiler, I
discovered that searching with a HitCollector in a ParallelMultiSearcher
is single threaded. By extending ParallelMultiSearcher I was able to
parallelize it without a problem (and without requiring a new lucene jar
for deployment). In addition, I re-implemented all of the existing
multithreading using a user configurable thread pool, queue and executor
service, etc. The current implementation of spawning one thread per
searchable is not only slower, but dangerous.

Is this development already taking place in the trunk? I was unable to
uncover any progress in this area. I haven't contributed to lucene (or
any open source project) before, but I would be willing to clean up a
number of things in this area if there was interest.

Looking forward to hearing from you...

Gus Holcomb

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