Thanks for investigating this Ryan!
Could you open a JIRA bug and maybe provide a patch? (and a testcase
reproducing the problem would be great too).

-Yonik Solr, the open-source Lucene search server

On 11/14/06, Ryan Heinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I believe that I may have discovered a bug in the spellchecker contrib,
specifically the LuceneDictionary (or SpellChecker, depending on how you
look at it) class.

I noticed while doing some testing in my own code that when I was
running the indexDictionary method of the SpellChecker class it was
always missing the first term (alphabetically) of the field that I

I did some investigating, and believe that I have determined the cause
of the issue.

When its getWordsIterator() method is invoked, LuceneDictionary
instantiates a TermEnum by calling terms(new Field(field, "") on the
IndexReader that it is provided. (field = the name of the field supplied
to the LuceneDictionary)

The LuceneDictionary.hasNext() method calls to determine
whether or not there are more terms left in the TermEnum.

Unfortunately, because terms(Field) returns a TermEnum of all terms
greater than the supplied term, the next biggest term is already set to
be the current term of the TermEnum. Thus, because
LuceneDictionary.hasNext() calls regardless of whether
or not the first term has been read, loops that use the following
structure, as the SpellChecker does, do have the expected results:

while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        // obtain and do something with;

With data "abc", "def", "ghi", jkl" in the specified index & field, the
loop will only execute 3 times, with "def", "ghi", "jkl" being the only
values retrieved. One would expect that the loop should execute 4 times,
with all four values ("abc", "def", "ghi", jkl") showing up in the loop.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Am I missing something, or
should I report this as a bug?

As far as I see it, the LuceneIterator should not be calling the next()
method of it's underlying TermEnum unless the next() method of the
LuceneIterator class is called.

Any advice would be appreciated. I've appended some code below.




Here are a few lines from showing how it uses
LuceneDictionary's iterator:

Iterator iter=dict.getWordsIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
       String word=(String);

Below are the next() and hasNext() methods from

public Object next() {
       if (!has_next_called) {
       has_next_called = false;
       return (actualTerm != null) ? actualTerm.text() : null;

     public boolean hasNext() {
       has_next_called = true;
       try {
         // if there is still words
         if (! {
           actualTerm = null;
           return false;
         //  if the next word are in the field
         actualTerm = termEnum.term();
         String fieldt = actualTerm.field();
         if (fieldt != field) {
           actualTerm = null;
           return false;
         return true;
       } catch (IOException ex) {
         return false;

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