
Poking around Query/Weight/Scorer classes I finally started understanding how 
some portions of the scoring works (imagine a lot of lightbulbs now).  In one 
of my Lucene use-cases I really just use it to pull N documents from an index, 
and don't care for score (I sort by time).  That lead me to look at 
MatchAllDocsQuery and ConstantScoreQuery.  I see they don't do anything with 
IDF nor anything fancy with Similarity, and instead both queries return a score 
equal to the query boost.  Still, why do they even bother with the 
multiplications in sumOfSquaredWeights() and normalize(float) methods?

    public float sumOfSquaredWeights() {
      queryWeight = getBoost();
      return queryWeight * queryWeight;

    public void normalize(float queryNorm) {
      this.queryNorm = queryNorm;
      queryWeight *= this.queryNorm;

Shouldn't that queryWeight = getBoost() be enough to get the query boost and 
use it as a score?
Obviously, not all lightbulbs are on yet...


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