: Here it is, Grant. This new patch uses Clover to generate code coverage
: reports. Simply add clover.jar to the ant classpath, do a "clean" and
: run the target "test". During compiling Clover will automatically
: instrument all classes under src/java.

haven't had a chance to look at the patch, but i have two questions baout

1) is there any way to explicitly disable the instumentation (ie: with a
system property set in the build.properties, or on the command line) in
case people get into a situation where they are suspicious of hte
instrumentation and what to run the test without it?

2) what is the beahvior of the report generatation after a test failure?
DOes Clover know baout Ant failures?  would the report reflect the fact
that the tests failed in it's summary info?


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