: Yeah, query-syntax is pretty static, so that would be fine, but I
: sense a slippery slope here.  Scoring is static, too, but I think if
: people want to add to the scoring doc, that would be fine.  Part of
: me feels like it should be all the docs, including the file formats b/
: c we are trying to encourage people to document.  On the other hand,
: some parts of the docs, like the file formats and query-syntax, feel
: more in stone to me and I can see a case that they should only be
: changed through a patch approach so that a committer is reviewing the

i'm with you all the way on that one ... it seems like every day i change
my mind about how important it is to have "official" documentation vs wiki

when solr first entered incubation, most of our stuff went in the wiki
just because it seemed like the easiest way to get feedback,
improvements, and copy-editing from the widest audience ... we discussed
migrating docs into subversion once they were more fleshed out, but now
we're looking at migrating more docs from subversion to the wiki then we
are the other direction.

for Lucene-Java i'd be really leary of things like fileformats,
querystynax, and scoring just being wiki pages ... people still ask
questions about the fileformat from lucene 1.4.2, or how scoring worked in
1.2 ... if the only history of thta info was in a wiki where you had to
figure out the right historic version that lined up with your code based
on date stamps of commits (because we'd want to update the doc when hte
change was commited, not when the release was made)

the killer solution to a lot of problems would be a good utility for
slurping the whole wiki into html files, with all of hte wiki links *and*
all of the links from the wiki to the "site" being translated into
relative file paths as an automated part of hte release.

the only other anoyance i have about the wiki that wouldn't be solved with
something like thta is the "javadoc annotation missing feature" problem of
the wiki ... some things really belong in javadocs, but you still want to
allow users to easily annoate those docs with their own tips/tricks about
using it ... stuff that's deliniated as not being formal documentation,
but still good to keep in mind, ie:

PHP.net set the gold standard for this years ago...

...and Perl's CPAN is making progress...

... but i've never seen a good Javadoc appraoch to this problem, and none
of these solutions really address the issue of "releasing" baked versions
of hte documentation that include the annotations/tips ... you'd have to
commit them as part of the formal docs)

: wiki policy to notify java-dev or java-commits when there are
: changes?  I'm not sure how the wiki is administered or if I'm missing
: the notifications already.

i believe wiki edits already go to the commits list (that's how we set
Solr up anyway)


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