On 3/1/07, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 3/1/07, Rida Benjelloun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lius could be used as a starting point of Tika project, if Tika
> are interested on it. We can also as mark said decouple Lius's parser
> from it's indexing logic.

I'm very interested in doing that. Another very useful codebase, among
others, would be the existing parser framework in the Nutch project.

-->> I agree

Taking the project into Apache incubator could be also interesting, to get
> more people involved on it.

Exactly. I'd like to avoid starting just yet another codebase, and
focus more on bringing the best parts (both code and ideas) of the
existing projects together. The community-building focus of the
Incubator would likely help with that. Another aspect that would
benefit from the Incubator scrutiny are the legal implications of
pulling together multiple document parser libraries under various
different licenses.

Would there be interest within the Lucene PMC in sponsoring a proposal
along such lines? I can volunteer to put together the proposal and act
as the champion and mentor of the project.

-- >> We can put together the proposal and you can be the mentor of the


Jukka Zitting

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Rida Benjelloun, M.S.I., M.B.A.
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