Otis's most recent attachment contains only tests .. but previous
attachemnts had implementations.

I just took another look, nope, no "*Filter" class (except for test) in
those patches.

all of which have been commited under contrib/analyzers

Just did a fresh checkout from svn, and the filter classes are absent too.
Did a fulltext search. Refered to in the contrib/analyzers/src/test tests,
but not found in the contrib/analyzers/src/java folder.

Seems like the Filters were not commited.

(tip: if you click "All" at the top of the list of comments in Jira, you see
every modification related to this issue, including subversion commits that
Jira detects are related to the issue based on the commit message)

Thanks for the tip. Seems to confirm my doubts, as there are no "ADD" or
"MODIFY"  for any TokenFilter. But the tests are presents.

Again, I may be missing something, somewhere, but I can't seem to find the
NGramTokenFilter class.



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