I don't think anyone followed-up on this.  I think I prefer our current 
approach, where contributors provide patches, everyone is free to review and 
comment on them, and commiters finally commit it.  Feels a bit slower than 
commit first, review second, but I think that makes it easier to control the 
quality of the code that goes in.  There seems to be enough momentum/active 
developers that even with the current patch first approach we could release 
more often.


----- Original Message ----
From: Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: java-dev@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 12:02:55 PM
Subject: Commit and Review (was "Is Lucene Java trunk still stable for 
production code?")

Hoss wrote:
 > (or in short: we're moving more towards a *true* commit and review  

I'm curious as to what you think are the practical implications are  
for committers for this model?  Do you imagine a change in the  
workflow whereby we commit and then review or do we stick to the  
patch approach as committers (contributors will always submit  
patches)?  It has always been a gray area, where we all kind of know  
what we can commit w/o creating patches for versus what we should put  
up patches for.   Just curious, I'm working on the payloads stuff and  
I know that as long as it compiles, it isn't going to break anything,  
so in some sense I could commit b/c I know it would make it easier  
for Michael B. and others to update and review w/o going through the  
patch process.  On the other hand, the patch approach makes you take  
one extra good look at what you are doing.

What do others think?


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