"Marvin Humphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 3, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Michael McCandless wrote:
> > "Yonik Seeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Wow, very nice results Mike!
> >
> > Thanks :)  I'm just praying I don't have some sneaky bug making
> > the results far better than they really are!!
> That's possible, but I'm confident that the model you're using is  
> capable of the gains you're seeing.  When I benched KinoSearch a year  
> ago against Lucene, KS was getting close, but was still a little  
> behind... <http://www.rectangular.com/kinosearch/benchmarks.html>

OK glad to hear that :)  I *think* I don't have such bugs.

> (: Ironically, the numbers for Lucene on that page are a little  
> better than they should be because of a sneaky bug.  I would have  
> made updating the results a priority if they'd gone the other way.  :)

Hrm.  It would be nice to have hard comparison of the Lucene, KS (and
Ferret and others?).
> ... However, Lucene has been tuned by an army of developers over the  
> years, while KS is young yet and still had many opportunities for  
> optimization.  Current svn trunk for KS is about twice as fast for  
> indexing as when I did those benchmarking tests.

Wow, that's an awesome speedup!  So KS is faster than Lucene today?

> I look forward to studying your patch in detail at some point to see  
> what you've done differently.  It sounds like you only familiarized  
> yourself with the high-level details of how KS has been working,  
> yes?  Hopefully, you misunderstood and came up with something better. ;)

Exactly!  I very carefully didn't look closely at how KS does
indexing.  I did read your posts on this list and did read the Wiki
page and I think a few other pages describing KS's merge model but
stopped there.  We can compare our approaches in detail at some point
and then cross-fertilize :)


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