On 10/04/2007, at 4:18 AM, Doug Cutting wrote:

Paul Smith wrote:
Disadvantages to this approach:
* It's a lot more I/O intensive

I think this would be prohibitive. Queries matching more than a few hundred documents will take several seconds to sort, since random disk accesses are required per matching document. Such an approach is only practical if you can guarantee that queries match fewer than a hundred documents, which is not generally the case, especially with large collections.

I don't disagree with the premise that it involves substantial I/O and would increase the time taken to sort, and why this approach shouldn't be the default mechanism, but it's not too difficult to build a disk I/O subsystem that can allocate many spindles to service this and to allow the underlying OS to use it's buffer cache (yes this is sounding like a database server now isn't it).

I'm working on the basis that it's a LOT harder/more expensive to simply allocate more heap size to cover the current sorting infrastructure. One hits memory limits faster. Not everyone can afford 64-bit hardware with many Gb RAM to allocate to a heap. It _is_ cheaper/easier to build a disk subsystem to tune this I/O approach, and one can still use any RAM as buffer cache for the memory-mapped file anyway.

In my experience, raw search time starts to climb towards one second per query as collections grow to around 10M documents (in round figures and with lots of assumptions). Thus, searching on a single CPU is less practical as collections grow substantially larger than 10M documents, and distributed solutions are required. So it would be convenient if sorting is also practical for ~10M document collections on standard hardware. If 10M strings with 20 characters are required in memory for efficient search, this requires 400MB. This is a lot, but not an unusual amount on todays machines. However, if you have a large number of fields, then this approach may be problematic and force you to consider a distributed solution earlier than you might otherwise.

400Mb is not a lot in of itself, but when one has many of these types of indexes, with many sorting fields with many locales on the same host it becomes problematic. I'm sure there's a point where distributing doesn't work over really large collections, because even if one partitioned an index across many hosts, one still needs to merge sort the results together.

It would be disappointing if Lucene's innate design limited itself to 10M document collections before needing to consider distributed solutions. 10M is not that many. It would be better if the sorting mechanism in Lucene was a little more decoupled such that more customised designs could be utilitised for specific scenarios. Right now it's a one-for-all approach without substantial gutting of the code.



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