a totally different view on Filters would be to think about them as "index 
slicer", at the lowest possible level, TermDocs.  Basically all document ids in 
such "Filter"  would appear, at the TermDocs level "as if not in index", simply 

TermDocs  that is aware  of  "Filtered doc ids" (doing skipping over "Filter 
AND Term").

for example, one could extend FilterIndexReader, provide setFilter(Matcher) 
method on it and than method termDocs() would need to check if Matcher == null 
and return  TermDocs instanca that hides or not Filtered documents

it looks too simple to be real, nice thing about it, as far as I can tell,  it 
does not require  any changes  in Lucene core!   

conceptually,  it filters some documents out of index, simply provides another 
view on index (hence FilterIndexReader). The same as current Filter, but with a 
bit shifted perspective on providing "index view-s".

It is rather possible that this idea sucks big time, please let me know if you 
see anything super wrong with it. 

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