Interesting question... I guess we haven't had one contrib depend on another yet, or at least, I haven't checked to see if we have.

I would presume that the benchmark contrib becomes a dependency of the library that wants to use it (i.e. Highlighter), but it is slightly different in that you may want it to be more akin to a test library than a package library. That is, people using the highlighter should not need the benchmark contrib package, but people developing the highlighter package would need it. Thus, you will need to make sure it gets built first.

You could just put your Tasks under test, as you are using them to test/gauge performance. I don't think it is required that test only holds JUnits.


On Jul 5, 2007, at 1:23 PM, Mark Miller wrote:

Has anyone given any thought to allowing the benchmark suite to work with
contrib code?

I just started playing with the benchmark contrib last night so that I could
use it to gauge the performance of some Highlighter changes.

Has someone else done something similar with another contrib package?

As a quick-fix to get my Highlight task working, I just changed the
build.xml by putting <pathelement location="$ {benchmark.ext.classpath}"/> in
the classpath (it is now just in the run.classpath) and launched the
benchmark with benchmark.ext property pointing to the highlighter build dir.
Without this, I could of course run the compiled code, but I couldn't
compile the HighlightTask.

Anyone familiar with the benchmark package think this is the best way to go (frankly, I don't like it)? Or maybe recommend another path? Maybe I am just
approaching this wrong?


- Mark

Grant Ingersoll
Center for Natural Language Processing

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