Hello Everyone,
  I am using Lucene & Nutch in my project for searching content in the webpages.
For a webpage or any other document, Lucene takes all the words in the page and 
indexes them and returns the result when searched.
  Lets say, I have 2 webpages as shown below:
This is the course page of Computer Science Department
  Subject: Operating System I
Professor: Qi Li
The course operating system I deals with the basics of the operating system. 
Mainly the three topics dealt are process management, storage management & 
memory mangement. etc............................................
This is the home page of Computer Science Department
  The computer science department offers courses at undergradudate level and 
graduate level. The core courses for the graduate students are  Mathematical 
Foundations of Computer Science, Compilers, Advanced Database, Analysis of 
Algorithms and Operating Systems. etc............................
  Now if I search using the word "operating system", the results shows both the 
webpages (webpage 1 & webpage2) since the word "operating system" exists in 
both the webpage. 
  But my requirement is different. If I want to search the word "Operating 
System" which should appear in the subject field i.e., as in the webpage1, the 
result should show only webpage1. How can I achieve this result ? 
  Please help me in this regard.
  Thanks & Regards,
Kunal Gosar

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